A 3.8 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Maine rocked New England on Monday morning, shaking homes from Boston to Cranston ...
Claudio Berti, director of the Idaho Geological Survey, was driving from Moscow to Boise for an Idaho Emergency Management ...
Some callers to the York, Maine Police Department questioned whether an explosion had rocked the coastal town, said Sergeant Brian McNiece. ”Th ...
One of the largest earthquakes ever reported in New England happened off the coast of Massachusetts near Cape Ann in 1755. Historians and seismologists estimate the earthquake's magnitude at ...
It’s virtually impossible to predict when and where an earthquake will occur. Depending on your location and how big the earthquake is, warning times range from a few seconds to a few minutes. But ...
The Cape Ann earthquake of 1755, one of the region's largest recorded quakes, caused widespread destruction and alarm at a time when the area was still sparsely developed . The largest recorded ...
So typically, the largest earthquake in New England is about a 3.0, 3.1, maybe 3.2," Dr. John Ebel of the Weston Observatory said. "So this is significantly larger than that, felt over a pretty ...
Claudio Berti, director of the Idaho Geological Survey, was driving from Moscow to Boise for an Idaho Emergency Management Association conference on Monday morning when the largest earthquake the ...