Tulsa Mayor Monroe Nichols released two executive orders to combat housing and homelessness in the city during his first ...
This is about the capacity to change outcomes for people and that takes all of us to do it,” said Tulsa Mayor Monroe Nichols.
According to the City of Tulsa, City Hall, Municipal Court, and other City facilities will be closed for Good Friday. Officials said public safety and mission-critical operations will operate as ...
5,4,3,2,1 ignition. Wednesday, Tulsa city hall doubled as mission control on an initiative to make Tulsa a player in the ...
“Currently, the fine for failing to spay and neuter a pet is $75, that will increase to $250,” said Mayor Monroe Nichols during a news conference on March 4 at City Hall. Repeat offenders could face ...
The City of Tulsa is implementing new fines for unaltered and abandoned animals to create stronger neighborhood outcomes, ...
All Tulsa Health Department locations are closed on Wednesday. The City said cashier stations on the main floor at City Hall and at the Permit Center on the fourth floor will be closed through ...
TULSA, Okla — The City of Tulsa reported that most services will be returning to normal on Friday due to improving road conditions and warmer temperatures after this week’s wintry weather.
In announcing increased fines, Mayor Monroe Nichols said that 80% to 85% of the animals that come through the city’s shelter have not been spayed or neutered.