According to the map, at least 31 to 100 nurdles were discovered in just two hours by a team of 17 volunteers near East Creek on June 22, 2024. The Great Lakes have a long history of pollution and ...
As a senator, JD Vance supported funding for the restoration of the lakes. Advocates are hoping the vice president will as ...
The small plastic particles are "ubiquitous" in Great Lakes water, sediment, plants, fish and beaches, an international panel ...
Scientists are urging the US and Canadian governments to take swift action after discovering high levels of microplastic ...
Every year, more than 22 million pounds of plastic pollution enter the Great Lakes, according to a study by the Rochester Institute of Technology. While visible plastic waste is an ongoing concern, an ...
The Great Lakes ... [Click here or on the map above for a larger version.] The primary concern with the current mining proposals in the Lake Superior watershed can be summed up in one word: water.
New research suggests an ancient hotspot helped shape the Great Lakes, challenging traditional formation theories.
As much as the Great Lakes are healthier today than they once were (when there were no pollution regulations), there are still plenty of challenges, including agricultural pollution. Over the last ...
For more than 20 years, professor Keith Grasman has studied the effects of pollution on Great Lakes colonial waterbirds, focusing on three species: Herring Gulls, Black-Crowned Night Herons and ...