The Idaho Senate signed off on a proposed amendment to the Idaho Constitution on Tuesday that, if approved, would make it so ...
Idahoans will vote next year whether to prohibit themselves from legalizing marijuana or other drugs through a ballot ...
A proposed constitutional amendment giving state lawmakers sole discretion over legalizing marijuana is heading to the state ...
A resolution that would eliminate voters’ ability to legalize marijuana through a ballot initiative has been forwarded to the ...
While driving into eastern Oregon from western Idaho, motorists may see billboards in Idaho that advertise recreational marijuana in Oregon. Those ads may be elsewhere, too ...
The Washington Attorney General is suing Adams County for cooperating with federal immigration efforts. In a lawsuit filed ...
A resolution that would eliminate voters’ ability to legalize marijuana through a ballot initiative has been forwarded to the Idaho House ...
Bill that affects Spokane's garbage-burning plant stalls in Olympia. The Washington legislature has decided not to act on a bill that would exempt Spokane’s Waste-to-Energy plan ...
The Idaho House passed a resolution on Wednesday seeking voter approval to amend the state constitution and give the Legislature exclusive authority to regulate marijuana.  House Joint Resolution 4 ...
STAPILUS: When a Idaho school voucher measure landed on the governor's desk, his office asked for comment from Idahoans about ...