Nuestra línea de asistencia para el cáncer funciona las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana y proporciona información y respuestas a las personas que están lidiando con el cáncer. Podemos conectarle con ...
Now, as a scientist at the University of Pennsylvania, Charly is working to rewrite the future of cancer treatment.
This Facts & Figures report provides statistics about colorectal cancer in the United States, including this cancer’s incidence, survival, and mortality. The report also presents data about ...
The day before your colonoscopy, your doctor will likely recommend you start following a clear-liquid diet. This means ...
Oophorectomy is a surgery to remove one or both ovaries. The ovaries are small organs that make eggs and hormones like estrogen and progesterone. This surgery can help prevent ovarian cancer and might ...
What makes prostate cancer screening different than other cancer types? Get the facts. Test your knowledge of 5 factors of prostate cancer screening and shared decision-making. Shared decision-making ...
My goal is to better understand behavioral and environmental drivers associated with longevity and healthy aging, so that more people can live longer, healthier lives." Kathryn Chiang, PhD, MPH, is a ...
Fitting exercise into your busy days can sometimes seem impossible. Between meeting the demands of work and family life, exercise can often get bumped from your schedule. But exercise is not just an ...
Diagnosed with colorectal cancer at just 29, Chris Lopez was the youngest patient his oncologist had ever treated. Now in remission, he’s turning his experience into a mission: raising awareness, ...
Our team of experts brings you cancer-related news, features, and survivor stories.
Chris Lopez was the youngest colon cancer patient his oncologist had ever treated. At 29, Chris was 16 years younger than the recommended screening age of 45. With no obvious risk factors and no ...
Can a LEEP procedure prevent cervical cancer? Yes, LEEP can prevent cervical cancer by removing abnormal and precancerous cells before they become malignant. Can LEEP results show cervical cancer? Yes ...