The 55th season of iconic children's show "Sesame Street," debuting Jan. 16, is to feature a star-studded line up of musicians including SZA, Chris Stapleton, Noah Kahan, Reneé Rapp and more.
Kendrick Lamar's sixth studio album, GNX, is making waves on the charts, with four tracks landing on the US Top Songs list ...
The 55th season of the acclaimed family program features a star-studded lineup of musicians that would be the envy of any ...
SZA – whose real name is Solána Rowe - learns a lot whenever she works with the “genius” rapper and would jump at the chance ...
Ahead of SZA and Kendrick Lamar ‘s co-headlining tour, the artist is letting fans know her thoughts on a potential ...
SZA and Kendrick Lamar have long been pals, but more importantly to fans, they’ve made a lot of music together over the years. One thing they haven’t done yet, though, is join forces over the course ...
Kendrick Lamar and SZA have teamed up for a plethora of hit records over the years. From "All the Stars" to "Luther," and ...
During her Wednesday, Jan. 8 appearance on Sherri Shepherd 's talk show Sherri, the "Scorsese Baby Daddy" singer recalled ...
SZA fans can rejoice: the R&B superstar has already given a preview of what her next two albums are going to sound like.
SZA says she wants to fulfill her last two albums on contract by making "peaceful children's music" before becoming a farmer.
SZA has parted ways with her longtime manager, Terrence “Punch” Henderson, only five days after releasing her new album, Lana. The move follows delays of her highly anticipated project ...
Punch and SZA. CREDIT: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for iHeartRadio SZA has confirmed her split with her longtime manager, only five days after releasing her new album ‘Lana’. READ MORE ...